It’s amazing to really watch a human grow. Tessie is changing so much and learning so much every day. She is still sleeping through the night and stays busy during the day. She is awake more than asleep, which makes it a little harder to email, but much more fun overall. She rolls around a lot- sort of uses it as a mode of transportation. She is trying to creep and crawl, but hasn’t quite figured out how to hold her head up when moving her legs, so mostly she just plows her face along the carpet. Tessie is really watching what everyone is doing and pays close attention when we are eating. I think she may be almost ready to start cereal with her milk.
She is very grabby and mouthy. She grabs for anything that looks remotely interesting and shoves it into her mouth. Tessie’s new favorite toy is her Baby Einstein activity center. You should see the thing- it’s no wonder kids end up with ADHD with all of those attachments. She loves it and it keeps her attention. She is still chatty and seems to have found out her voice can get louder. She loves to hear it and look at herself in the mirror.
Tessie and I traveled to Long Island where my friend Kristen took about 200 pictures... don’t worry I didn’t attach them all. Then we went to New Hampshire with family for a few days too. She has gone swimming in a pool and dipped her toes in the ocean. She loved it. We may have another swimmer in the house! She is growing so fast. We will be getting her Christened on September 10th. No other major plans yet for September. It’s so strange to not be doing back-to-school shopping…
White Spots On Rubber Plant
10 months ago