Boy, did September fly by or what? School has started and I’m not teaching. It’s a strange feeling, but Tessie makes it so my life is anything but dull. Tessie was baptized on September 10th and we have done some visiting with family from Louisiana. Last week we went to Carlson Orchards in Harvard, MA to pick our own apples with Kristen. Very cute pictures from that too.
She had a doctor’s appointment and got three shots in the legs...She was very brave. She hardly even cried. I was the one who felt worse. Anyway, she is growing. Almost 15 lbs and 25.5” long. Her appetite has grown too, so we started her on cereal. She hasn’t quite figured out that it’s supposed to stay in her mouth, so we have just been putting it in her bottle once a day until she gets used to the taste. For now she has just been sitting in her high chair watching closely at what we eat- probably wishing for some variety in her meals.
She is starting to sit on the floor for longer than a few seconds. For now we mostly just prop our legs or other things around her. She likes it because she can use both hands for grabbing things. She is learning about gravity too as she flings toys around. Tessie is looking forward to being mobile. She has started the crouch to get ready for crawling. For now she just rolls and squirms. She still likes to get everyone’s attention with her voice and has started screeching. Just short happy screeches and I swear sometimes that she says Mama too. That is all for now. I’m writing on borrowed time…
White Spots On Rubber Plant
10 months ago