One month away from Tessie’s first birthday. Can you believe how fast it has gone?
Tessie is doing great. She amazes us with her walking/running skills and she gets more secure each day. It’s unusual to see her crawling these days. She has been able to climb up stairs for a while, but she has finally figured out how to climb down. She points at things to let us know what interests her and imitates simple gestures and sounds. She even puts her hands on her head when something falls and says “Oooo Oooo”. No clear words yet, but she does say “mama” a lot…not just for me. For food, or whenever she feels like it. She is eating more fresh foods like grapes, cheese, cucumbers, avocados, and mango- mostly mashable slippery foods. She loves spaghetti (and rocks too but no-fun-mommy doesn’t let her eat them).
We have started searching for daycare so mommy can go back to teaching in the fall. I can’t say the experience has been a nightmare, but it does make me wonder how single parent families can ever do it. Wherever we visit Tessie seems to make herself at home, so I don’t think she’ll have any trouble with the change.
The other big news is Tessie is finally getting a tooth (two actually) on the bottom. I can see where it is sprouting through. She has only been feverish one day, but luckily I was able to distract her with lots of outside time last week while the weather was warmer.
Happy Easter!
White Spots On Rubber Plant
11 months ago