Happy Independence Day!
Tessie is really becoming a little girl. She is learning so much so fast. It is incredible what she is able to understand and is even letting us know that she understands. I have been doing some sign language with her and she is starting to use the gestures. She does the sign for eat when she is hungry- and sometimes just when she sees something she wants to try to eat. She is 100% off baby food and baby’s milk. I can’t quite convince her that cow’s milk is the way to go. Any advice you might have to sway her otherwise would be helpful.
She loves books. We have one book that is just labeled photos. I think it’s her new favorite, second only to the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Anyway, when she sees the picture for “feet” she puts her feet on the book, when she sees the picture for “nose” she touches her nose, and when she sees the picture for “ball” she searches the house and brings back a ball.
She loves to dance. We listen to music a lot during the day. She twirls and stomps her foot (very cute). Her favorite song is the itsy-bitsy spider. She points her fingers together when she wants to hear it and does some of the motions- I can’t get her to do the sun part.
She shows love by leaning in touch her head to yours. It’s awfully sweet. She does it to her little baby friends too. I think she is going to be just fine in daycare. She is still working on sharing toys when her friends come over. She is generally good about it as long as they don’t take her favorites.
We did a couple of day trips to the Cape to visit with cousins Rainy and Pat and see friends from the Lowell School. July will be a fairly calm month. Daddy will be with Tessie for a week while Mommy does some training for school…It will be good practice…for both!
White Spots On Rubber Plant
10 months ago