May was a very busy month. I'm trying a new format to give each child their due, although I already know that Caden is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to photos.
Tessie turned 3 on May 8th. We all comsumed more cake in one week than the average person probably does over a few months. On top of her own birthday, many friends have birthdays (and parties) so we have not had many weekends to ourselves. We even made it to a Chuck-E-Cheese party. That won't happen again anytime soon. Another party required a trip to the hospital when she twisted her knee on a trampoline. No more parties after this weekend.
She has learned how to snap her fingers and practices hopping on one foot. She can get herself dressed for the most part. She mostly wears dresses anyway. She's fine now, but also got a fat lip this past week. She is going to the potty more independently and even asks us to close the door and says , "I want privacy"...just turned 3 going on 13.
New games she likes to play are hopscotch (but she hops on both feet) and Hide-and-Seek (but she usually tells you where she's hiding). Her favorite book right now is Tikki Tikki Tembo and favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves school and all of her friends there. About 6 kids from her Preschool class just finished a session of swimming lessons. We provided the extra carseat and the YMCA took the group over to the pool in a van then brought them back to school. She loved it.
She is beginning to talk on the phone more. She can spell full name and writes her first name- although her S is just a little squiggle, but hey, she just turned 3. She'll tell you that she's 3 and that her birthday is May 8th. She can recite her phone number, address, she can write many letters of the alphabet and draws people. See the picture she drew of herself. Click on it to truly appreciate it

Caden a.k.a. the Meat-man, Porky-pine, Fat-man, C-dog, etc. is about 19 lbs. He is Crawling with the same funky one-leg-up crawl that Tessie had. He pulls himself up to standing and cruises along furniture or whatever he's holding onto. We have been re-babyproofing the whole house. He still manages to cause trouble. Caden claps his hands, waves hi/bye, and says "Buh-buh" for bye-bye. He responds to his name and some signs (milk, more, cereal, finished, bath). He is finally eating solids. He absolutely refuses baby food, but eats cereal like there's no tomorrow, and will try new finger foods if he feeds himself. Caden is generally sleeping through the night, but he is up at 5AM. He wakes up happy. As soon as he gets up he throws his pacifier, and is ready to chat, chirping and yelling in the hallway as soon as he's up. We go to baby gym on Thursdays and the library on Fridays. We have met a nice group of moms so Caden can have friends outside of the younger siblings of Tessie's friends. Like his sister, he is also a fan of Mickey Mouse. His favorite thing to do is splash in the bathtub or kiddie pool. He also likes to play catch. Maybe he will go pro someday...