Beware: 90 photos in slideshow. Sorry it has been a while.
Monthly updates no more. We got a slower start to the summer because the weather didn't seem to cooperate, but still managed to keep busy. We spent the day in Boston for the Life is Good Festival way back in June. It was like kids' heaven: parachute games, seed spitting contests, live music, face-painting, Goldfish crackers, and free ice-cream. We also visited family in the Albany area to see Oma and cousins. On my way there, I got some amazing news that I was hired to work here in my town. While I will miss Watertown, it is an incredible opportunity. The kids will be at daycare in my school so I don't need to stress about the commute or drop-off/pick-up anymore.
We visited friends in Long Island, NY and spent almost a week in NH on Lake Winnisquam. We also did day trips to Grampa's house. He opened up the old sandbox from 25 years ago and fills up the kiddie pool for the kids. Tessie has a friend that we visit up in Maine, I have a friend that we visited down the Cape,and Nana Sally visited us for a week.
Tessie has mastered hopping on 1 foot. She likes to do chalk drawings on the driveway, coloring, writing, singing, making up songs, visiting with friends. She is still very active and likes to spend her energy at the park. She is more confident swimming with just a bubble. She is a grown up little girl. You can carry on a full conversation with her. She has somewhat hit the terrible 3s- generally low-key but has her moments of meltdown. Tessie is very excited about her new "purple and blue" school. We got to take a tour of her class and meet some new friends before she starts on Monday.
Caden is still on the edge of taking his first steps. He is cruising quickly, using a push along walker, climbing stairs, chairs, slide, and low surfaces. His favorite thing to do right now is EATING, groaning with pleasure as he does it. His favorite foods are ice cream, Cheese, peaches, blueberries and pumpernickle bread. He is clapping, signing more (signed dog, more, ball, all done), and tries to do motions from storytime (itsy bitsy spider). He also like to play in the water. He can blow bubbles in water and even does it on command which is neat knowing that he understands us. We have had a great year at home with our friends from the Library on Thursdays and Friday. He is a big fan on Mickey Mouse and dances (bobbing and swaying his head) when he hears the theme music from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse TV show that both kids seem to be obsessed with. Caden also reached the milestone of turning ONE on August 18th. Can't beleive how quickly it has gone by. He has a Birthday BBQ at our house but the poor kid was sick and didn't enjoy it at all. We'll have a do-over next week or something.
Happy Labor Day everyone. Hope you enjoyed the summer. I will try to get on top of things and do the blogs more frequent again.
Something Fun: Here is a photo of Stephen that I scanned. I see quite a bit of Caden in him.
White Spots On Rubber Plant
9 months ago