Friday, April 17, 2009

2.11 and 8 months

I wanted to give one more update before Tessie turns three, so I'd better hurry. It has been a while since the last entry. We went south to Florida for a week to visit Nana Sally, Uncle Bob, Uncle Freddie, and Robbie. The kids had a great time being in less layers than when up north, although the weather was pretty cool for FL standards. Now that spring is emerging, we are getting outside more. Both kids are making use of the swingset now. We made a trip down to LI to visit my collge friends and Tessie's friend Katarina. Easter was very exciting for Tessie this year. She was excited the Easter Bunny visited and left baskets for her and Caden. He even hid some eggs in the house and in the yard. She was not fond of the egg filled with green beans, but she did love the "browns" (chocolate) he left for her.
The kids are doing great. Not quite 3 yet, Tessie is becoming a bit more challenging - typical of the threes I guess. She is still a sweetheart, but has her moments of being uncooperative. She is very flexible with Caden's sleeping schedule (or lack of) and mostly tries to be a good helper. She loves to help make food in the kitchen. She and mommy have matching aprons now. We even planted some seeds to hopefully eat some of own vegetables this summer. Tessie's preschool has started taking kids to the YMCA pool for swimming lessons. She LOVES it.
Caden is almost 19 lbs now at 8 months. He wants to be part of the action all the time now. Tessie is practicing sharing with him now that he is starting to want things to play with. Caden is on the move now, too. He is squirming across the floor in a military style crawl and continues to roll as a faster way to get there. He has also pulled himself up to standing holding onto toys and people. His legs are still very wobbly and he forgets that he's holding himself up, so he falls if your not spotting him. He is affectionate and loves to hug and squeeze. He has been known to grab me by my hair and pull, gumming on my face. Tessie even knows to beware of Caden when he is in "attack mode". Hes starting to babble a little saying "Ba ba ba" and shouting and squeaking. We go to the library for 1:1 time on Fridays while Tessie is at Preschool.

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