Friday, November 13, 2009

Tessie 3.6, Caden 15 months

What a difference a few months make!
All the leaves have fallen and the cold is coming quickly. Being back to work and with both kids in daycare, life is moving quickly. It doesn't leave much time for blogging. Our new commute takes us right by the park, so we stop there on our way home almost daily. We are still trying to make the most out of the outdoors while it lasts. I got a trailer for my bike. The kids enjoy riding in the back. Caden's not a big fan of wearing the helmet, so our rides haven't been very long.

Tessie has adjusted well to her new "purple and blue school". She has made lots of new friends and enjoys having Caden close enough to visit, but far enough that she has her own space. She had a blast going to all sorts of parties for Halloween and trick-or-treated for Nana, Auntie Terri, Uncle Cookie, and Uncle Bill. I think she got addicted to candy for a few days, to the point where she got grumpy (I think with withdrawals) when we ran out. Tessie is still a princess that refuses to wear anything but dresses. A couple of weeks ago she actually wore jeans and I hardly recognized her.

Caden is officially walking. Actually borderline running now. He has curbed his appetite somewhat. His favorite foods are bananas and cheese. I swear his can finish an entire banana in less than 2 minutes. That's no joke. It's actually kinda gross- like a hot dog eating contest. He is dancing/bobbing up and down when he hears music he likes. He has more signs (banana, grampa, duck, bath, Mickey Mouse) and is saying some words: Tessie/"Dezzie", daddy, "uh-oh", "buh-bye", ball(for anything round), dog (for most animals that might look like dogs), duck, banana/"na", car/"cah", bath/"bah", grampa/"bub-buh", diaper/"bah-bur", and "no" (courtesy of his big sister by the tone he uses it). He loves to take baths. As soon as dinner is over he starts to sign and say bath, hoping it's bath night. He's a really happy kid. He will pucker up when you ask for a kiss. He's still a momma's boy and clingy, but getting better. I can tell when he's tired because he grabs a hold of my ponytail and won't let go. We're losing daylight so quickly.
I hope everyone counts their blessings this Thanksgiving. I know we are so grateful for our children and all of our extended friends and family.

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